Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Minneapolis Institute of Art (Minneapolis, MN)

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Photos taken December 28, 2013 at the Minneapolis Institute of Art in Minneapolis, MN.

Michael Whittaker and Oscar Utterstrom at The Five Spot (Nashville, TN)

Published in Nashville Fringe Festival, The Blog. Tags: , , , .

Photos of Michael Whittaker and Oscar Utterstrom taken December 19, 2013 at The Five Spot in Nashville, TN. [Photos originally published by the Nashville Fringe Festival.]

Las Vegas, Nevada

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Photos taken around Las Vegas, Nevada in December 2013.

AL-D Interview

Published in Nashville Fringe Festival, The Blog. Tags: , , .

“Between sampling local funk monsters DeRobert and the Half-Truths, conscripting The Boom Bap’s DJ Rate for cuts and scratches and dropping dope rhymes over dope beats, AL-D delivers the tru-school goods with this one,” noted the Nashville Scene of Al-D’s Free Delivery in honoring it as the “Best Hip-Hop Mixtape” of 2013. “[It’s] a must-listen […]

VHS Deconstruction

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Photos of a deconstructed VHS tape.

Creative Solutions for Online Success

Published in Fairly Trill, The Blog. Tags: .

“Creative Solutions for Online Success.”

Radnor Lake (Nashville, TN)

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Photos taken November 8, 2013 at Radnor Lake in Nashville, TN.

Hataraqq feat. Schelli Tolliver “Slow Woks” Video

Published in Fairly Trill, The Blog. Tags: , , , .

During my time spent in Kansas City this year I came across a local producer online, making synth-heavy beats under the Hataraqq alias. Primarily sharing short snippets, and stamping most songs with a unique Cab Calloway imprint, his music reflects a happy medium between Weeknd-leaning nonchalance and traditional hip hop. I really dig his style. “Slow Woks” (which […]

Back to Today

Published in Strays.

If only as a gesture of ushering history into the past I walk through the doorway. You’re busy, with too many customers for one person to handle. The register rings and the line slowly turns over. I slip back outside, still unsure if you’ve seen me. Talking with a familiar face by the entrance, it […]

Kacey Musgraves vs. “California Love” Mashup Video

Published in Fairly Trill, The Blog. Tags: , , .

Last week I was reading a GQ interview with Kacey Musgraves. In the discussion she mentioned that she has “California Love” on her phone — no shocker there, I remember seeing her rock a 2Pac t-shirt a few years back. What was surprising to me was her caveat that, “it’s not like I know a […]

Why Eminem Still Matters

Published in Fairly Trill, The Blog. Tags: , .

Nearly 15 years ago Eminem’s “My Name Is” set a new rap standard when the skinny white MC found fame by filtering his generally abasing wordplay through an obnoxious Labi Siffre sample. While the single’s music video mocked both celebrity and lowest common denominator Ameri-slob entertainment, the track stood out as much for its shock […]

Star Wars “Sexy Ackbar” Mashup Video

Published in Fairly Trill, The Blog. Tags: , , .

“Make a song about Admiral Ackbar and puppies, win prizes.” So went the challenge on my friend Sean‘s blog (Buzzgrinder) a few years ago. Being neither a Star Wars fanboy or an animal owner (or a musician, for that matter), I had no idea where to begin, but figured what the hell and took on […]

Castle Recording Studio (Franklin, TN)

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Photos taken August 21, 2013 at Castle Recording Studio in Franklin, TN.


Published in Strays.

Travel back here to find solace, she says. This is a place to be cherished, visit when you feel the need to escape, make frequent visits in your mind… In the moment it seems so real, so genuine, so inspirational. These moments manufacture believers.

Dante’s Down the Hatch (Atlanta, GA)

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Photos taken July 26, 2013 at Dante’s Down the Hatch in Atlanta, Georgia.

Really Real

Published in Strays.

“The habit of excessive novel-reading and theatre-going will produce true monsters in this line. The weeping of the Russian lady over the fictitious personages in the play, while her coachman is freezing to death on his seat outside is the sort of thing that everywhere happens on a less glaring scale.” —William James What a […]

Garth Brooks and Ronnie Dunn at Oklahoma Twister Relief Concert (Norman, OK)

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Photos of Garth Brooks and Ronnie Dunn taken July 6, 2013 at the Oklahoma Twister Relief Concert in Norman, OK at the University of Oklahoma Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium.

United States of Sadness Patties

Published in The Blog.

Fixing the tilted picture frame in my own life is hard enough most days. Add something like these NSA shenanigans to an outstanding litany of bullshit that includes self-sabotage, anxiety, fear, and depression, and it’s enough to make someone drink (if only it weren’t for the inconvenience of alcoholism, lurking in wait to ruin all […]

Miss Honey

Published in Strays.

“Matilda had never once stopped to think about where Miss Honey might be living. She had always regarded her purely as a teacher, a person who turned up out of nowhere and taught at school and then went away again. Do any of us children, she wondered, ever stop to ask ourselves where our teachers […]

Drama Queen

Published in The Blog.

“Giving of myself versus selfishness.I am a powerful and competent person.” That’s what I wrote — two lines — over three days. And now I’m writing a suicide note because I’m tired. I won’t kill myself tonight, because I’m lazy. And I won’t “relapse” because who has the energy. I won’t do anything because what’s […]


Published in Strays.

The moment You escape the womb the struggle begins over who’s more important, You or Her. You grip to self-importance and fight to pull away from Her only to later take comfort in a series of others. That is, until one too many self-spoiled relationships justifies a brushstroke so careless that it dehumanizes an entire […]


Published in Strays.

She looks up from her hymnal long just enough to lose her place. No one’s listening anyways, she tells herself, before gently closing the book and returning it to its home. Her voice is beautiful. As she stands there, the chorus echoes throughout the sanctuary, alive with song toasting the trinity. The organ’s massive pipes […]

New York City, NY

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Photos taken around New York City in May of 2013.

Demencha Interview

Published in Mills Record Company, The Blog. Tags: , .

There’s a new record store in Westport. Or rather, there’s a record store in Westport. Since Streetside closed up shop a couple years ago, Westport has not housed a vinyl outlet or even a music store. Mills Record Company (MRC) looks to fill that void from its location in a former boutique next to Dave’s […]

The Pitch Interview

Published in Mills Record Company, The Blog. Tags: , .

If you pay even glancing attention to the movements of the music business, you’re by now familiar with at least a few narratives. Nobody buys CDs anymore. Everybody downloads music from the Internet, usually illegally. Record stores are dying. But also: Vinyl is resurgent! (Sales are up 17 percent over last year, when more new […]

Midtown KC Post Interview

Published in Mills Record Company, The Blog. Tags: , .

Many folks do a double take when they hear there’s a new record store in Westport. Aren’t vinyl records dead? Not really, according to the founders of Mills Record Company at 314 Westport Road. (It’s just next to Dave’s Stagecoach Inn, in the former Bon Bon Atelier space). “People want something tangible,” says Chris DeLine. […]

The Deli Interview

Published in Mills Record Company, The Blog. Tags: , .

We here at The Deli KC would like to welcome a new member to the Kansas City music community: Mills Record Company, who celebrates its soft opening today! I spoke with Chris DeLine (formerly head of the music blog Culture Bully in Minneapolis) a bit about the shop and what you can expect to find […]

Troglodyte Interview

Published in Mills Record Company, The Blog. Tags: , , .

Having worked in the indie movie world for years as a special effects make-up artist, Jeff Sisson flipped the script in 2005 when he formed Troglodyte with a group of KC metal vets. Using the gory Bigfoot exploitation flick Night of the Demon as inspiration, the band summons tales from the bog, crafting its Sasquatch-themed […]

The Dead Girls Interview

Published in Mills Record Company, The Blog. Tags: , , .

Cameron Joel Hawk is the guitarist for the Lawrence power-pop four-piece the Dead Girls, the “old school punk rock” group Stiff Middle Fingers, and Many Moods of Dad. He also drums for Hidden Pictures. And up until this year, was regularly tackling music on his Record Geek Heaven blog. But despite being so thoroughly tied […]

Bloodbirds Interview

Published in Mills Record Company, The Blog. Tags: , , .

Mike Tuley’s been around. Madd Scientists, Or Die Trying, Short Bus Kids, Hairy Belafonte, Ad Astra Per Aspera, Ad Astra Arkestra… he’s played in them all. And with Bloodbirds he’s added hyperdistorted psych-tinged post-punk garage rock to his musical resume, assuming guitar and vocal duties in the trio along with Brooke Tuley on drums and […]

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