Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Chris Cornell vs. Jennifer Paige mashed by DJ Schmolli

Published in Blog, Mashuptown. Tags: , .

Chris Cornell Jennifer Paige Mashup

Had you told me in 1998, when Jennifer Page’s “Crush” oozed into the pop music mainstream, that Chris Cornell would take the direction he has with his life, I wouldn’t have believed you. At that point in time Cornell was just out of Soundgarden, and fans were likely still attached to the band’s sound (the greatest hits collection, A-Sides, having been released months before Page’s “Crush”); I know I was. Now, over a decade later Cornell has transformed himself into a pop star (albeit a universally un-acclaimed one). Cheers to Schmolli for mashing Cornell’s “Part of Me” with “Crush”… at least when you listen to it you can remember back to a time when the vocalist put out music that was worth a damn. (Link)

Jennifer Paige “Crush”
Chris Cornell “Part Of Me”

[This post was first published by Mashuptown.]