DJ Schmolli Interview
Published in Blog, Mashuptown. Tags: Interviews, Mashups, Music.
When did you start making mashups?
DJ Schmolli: I did my first mashup in summer 2000 (Creed vs. Destiny’s Child); after doing a couple more I decided to go for other musical projects as I am a live musician too. I rediscovered the bootleg scene in autumn 2005, going strong since then.
Was there any other mashup producer, or producers, that inspired you to get started?
DJ Schmolli: Well in 2000 when I started there were no other artists that inspired me. Actually there hasn’t been a mashup scene around these days and I haven’t heard many mashups before, just a few that I heard on the radio. So I just mixed songs for fun, to get better knowledge of the software and to irritate people when I put the mixes on at the DJ sets. Later in 2005 I found some great bootleggers on the web but I’d say I don’t get inspired from them a lot, I get the inspiration from the music itself. And since I listen to almost every musical genre you can tell I get quite a lot of inspiration.
Have you had any legal threats or issues arise surrounding any of your bootlegs?
DJ Schmolli: No, not yet. Actually quite the opposite is the case. I got feedback from a bunch of artists (or their management) and they were all pretty excited about the stuff I do. For once I thought that I got in some trouble. When I released the Falco Re:loaded album in 2008 I got an email from Afrika Bambaataa’s management regarding the use of his vocals in “Funky Kommissar.” The email sounded pretty bad at first, they were asking why I used Afrika’s vocals without permission and things like that. So I took the mp3 offline and apologized to them. But then they replied and said that A.B. loves the mashup and I should put it back online again.
What is the last mashup you listened to that wasn’t yours?
DJ Schmolli: I’m listening to Mighty Mike’s “For No Bop” (Beatles vs. Ramones) at this very moment.
Who are your favorite bastard-pop producers?
DJ Schmolli: There are quite a few, of course from the old days I like GHP, Aggro1, Divide & Kreate, DJ Moule, Lobsterdust, Loo & Placido, DJ Clive$ter, DJ Earlybird and Dunproofin. From the new bootleggers I think MadMix Mustang & LeeDM101 do some great stuff, as well as Marc Johnce & Norwegian Recycling.
How many mashups do you think you’ve made in your life?
DJ Schmolli: I released about 140, got quite a bunch in demo status.
What is your favorite mashup of all time?
DJ Schmolli: Now that’s a really really tough question. I guess I can’t just name one, I love GHP’s “Rock In Black” and the Futuro mix of Kid KO’s “A Deeper Rigby”. My favourite of 2009 is probably LeeDM101 with “Radioactive Tubular Girls”.
[This article first appeared on Mashuptown.]