Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Treekeeper “Tròpiçále” Video

Published in Blog, Break on a Cloud. Tags: , .

New from the Bohemian Hype Cult‘s Treekeeper comes this semi-psychedelic short in support of the Nashville producer’s latest track, “TRÒP!ÇÁL€.” Directed by his BHC brother Trillbee the Hooligan, a chill tropicália feel is invoked through not only the song’s smooth repetition, but also the video’s wavy visuals (though I’m cautious to throw out the chill-wave label here, all the same). For more: Earlier this year Treekeeper dropped the Welcome to Bohemia EP with Macro, offering a closer look at the man’s ability to parlay his talents into the world of hip hop.

[This article first appeared on Break on a Cloud.]