Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

The Streets “Trust Me”

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: .

Mike Skinner’s voice transmits a swagger that gives him the freedom to stumble through the some of the sketchiest lyrics at times, while still coming out sparkling. Taking that into consideration, his promise to release three original tracks in three days via his Twitter account still seemed like an undertaking best left for someone a little less prone to spend his days and nights in pubs.

“AND BACK IN THE PUB WITHIN 2 HOURS!” reads his celebratory message today as he completed his second song, the disco-house “Trust Me.” “I see Alice in Wonderland, I see malice in Sunderland.” The amusing yet scrambled line is repeated throughout at the lead into the song’s makeshift chorus, but for someone who has historically taken two years in between albums it comes off as surprisingly substantial. Even if the lyrics are a bit tricky to make sense of.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]