Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Solid Gold Critics’ Pick

Published in City Pages, The Blog. Tags: , .

While every year another set of musicians get labeled the next big thing to break out of the Twin Cities, this past year has seen one rise above all others: Solid Gold. Within the span of a little over a year the group of electronic-rockers have made the transition from headlining shows at the Uptown Bar to First Avenue’s main stage. They took their show on the road, and around the world. The band’s full-length debut, Bodies of Water, saw its initial international run of the release (on the prestigious Rough Trade label, nonetheless) sell out overseas, and the band was boosted by press from such outlets as NME. Now Solid Gold is returning home from a summer full of festival dates throughout Sweden and the U.K. Not to go overboard with the hyperbole, but this might be one of the few remaining dates the band plays in the Twin Cities before Solid Gold proves those “next big thing” statements to be true. With the Pines and Jeremy Messersmith. 

[This critics’ pick was originally published by City Pages.]