Penicillin Baby “Daddy Drove a Hearse”
Published in Blog, Break on a Cloud. Tags: Music, Nashville.
A little over two months back, in my interview with Penicillin Baby and Favorite Face Records’ Jon Conant, the vocalist mentioned that the group was in the process of putting together a few projects including a split-release with Megajoos. The two bands have now wrapped things up and packaged everything together as MEGA/BABY, a four-track EP which features a pair of songs from both bands — the early standout being PB’s “Daddy Drove a Hearse”: the track’s smooth vocals propelling a surf-rock vibe that (rather nicely) veers from the band’s previous psych-rock leanings. Megajoos’ “Gnar Gnar” is also up for streaming right now, but to hear the whole thing you’ll have to either keep an ear to Favorite Face’s Soundlcoud page come October 13, or head out to the release party the two bands (along with Tennessee Scum) will be holding at Dino’s Bar and Grill October 14.
[This article first appeared on Break on a Cloud.]