Top Albums of 2009 That Should Have Been Great, But Weren’t
Published in Blog, Culture Bully. Tags: Lists, Music.
#1) Ghostface Killah Ghostdini the Wizard of Poetry in Emerald City
A crossover from hip hop to R&B that should have never taken place. By comparison, More Fish, an album of leftovers from the brilliant Fishscale, sounds like a classic.
#2) UGK UGK 4 Life
So much for going out on top.
#3) Dead Man’s Bones Dead Man’s Bones
While a few songs stand out—”Pa Pa Power” is surprisingly good—the polished eerie electronic sound on the album does little to reflect the rugged character of the original version of “In The Room Where You Sleep.”
#4) Spinnerette Spinnerette
I love Brody Dalle, and the Distillers’ various albums were in heavy rotation for much of the past decade. But while “Ghetto Love” was promising, Spinnerette lacks the urgency and aggression the Aussie conveyed in her earlier recordings. Another album like this, and comparisons to Courtney Love—and I’m talking Celebrity Skin Courtney Love here—might have a leg to stand on.
#5) The Flaming Lips Embryonic
The Flaming Lips open and close Embryonic with the album’s best songs, but in the middle we’re left with 16 forgettable tracks.
[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]