Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Neil Young “After The Garden” Video

Published in Blog, Culture Bully. Tags: , .

I sat down with a friend of mine when Neil Young began streaming his latest album, Living With War, and critically listened to it. We must have listened to it a half dozen times that night. It is such an emotionally motivating mirror of the status that both our nation and our world is falling to that one can’t help but at least internalize your own feelings and become skeptical of this nation’s current state. One of the most powerful tracks on the album, “After The Garden,” questions much of the human action, myself included, when considering the abuse of global assets while we have no clue as to what the long term ramifications of doing so will be.

The earth does go through cycles, which include inclines and decreases in global temperature, but it boggles me as to how scientific fact does not then help sway decision as to the clarity of our global situation. There is a war at home, and there is a war within ourselves as a global community. That war is fighting over the decisions that will not only serve to address the long-term survival of an ecosystem and atmosphere that is capable of sustaining life, but the short-term survival of many nations which are affected by the will and ego of a few.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]