Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Nardwuar Interview

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Nardwuar Interview

Nardwuar has long since made a name for himself through his unique, high pitched interviews in which he is known to delve into areas of pop culture history generally unknown to the masses. His band, the Evaporators, follow suit, living in obscurity while playing music reminiscent of a parade of caffeine induced indie-geeks (the good kind). Signing to Alternative Tentacles seemed like a reasonable move as Nardwuar’s classic interviews with Jello Biafra have proven that underneath the political guise, we’re all music just music nerds. Here, Nardwuar addresses the Evaporators early beginnings, ultimate stage-mates, and Thee Goblins.

One of my favorite quotes about the band’s music has been Nardwuar’s “We like simple songs like that where we tell people the title before we play so they can sing along.” Some look at the Evaporators as “a too-silly-to-even-be-funny Canadian quasi pop-punk band” (Jeb Branin from In Music We Trust). I’d like to think that the Evaporators are more of a “smart-in-life-so-we-can-play-fun-music” band. Who are the Evaporators?

Narwuar: The Evaporators, in my opinion, strive to make people smile, think, and inspire. We love doing songs with history related themes, which covers the thinking part, and the smiling part is hopefully covered by the live show. As for inspiring people, I think that happens because people that see/hear us say to themselves, “I can do that!”

From what I’ve read, the Evaporators have played with amazing bands like Pavement, Sleater-Kinney, and the Melvins in the past. If the band could play one last gig, who would the ultimate stage-mates be?

We would open for the the Pointed Sticks from Vancouver, BC, Canada! The Sticks formed in 1978, and broke up in 1980, but along the way produced the catchiest toons ever to come out of the Northwest. They even appeared in the movie Out of the Blue (1980) with Dennis Hopper!

Did the band really start up in 1986, and if so, what’s the 20th anniversary line up?!

Yes! The Evaporators were born on February 20, 1986. However, our first official CD Ripple Rock did not come out till 2004, so I would say we are only two years old!

Where did Thee Goblins (and their many incarnations) come from?

Thee Goblins formed in the women’s costume section of the Value Village in Bellingham, Washington, USA. After a few years, of playing the same nine songs over and over again, they decided to “spice” things up a bit and morph into other bands! Hence Thee Skablins (Ska), Thee Technoblins (Techno), Thee Disgoblins (Disco), Thee Dublins (Dub), Gob Bizkit (Asshole Rock), Thee Gothblins (Goth), well, um, you get the idea…

With so many side projects like John’s work with those Pornographer guys, [your] ongoing work in Vancouver, and David’s continued efforts with the Smugglers to name a few, will there be another Evaporators album?

Actually there kinda is a new album out now! My new interview DVD, Doot Doola Doot Doo… Doot Doo! contains over an hour of Evaporators and Goblins Videos including quite a few unreleased toons. No joke! Check it out!

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]