Military Special Critics’ Pick
Published in Blog, City Pages. Tags: Music, Twin Cities.
St. Paul’s Eclipse Records is hosting a ridiculously talent-laden show Saturday night, combining the efforts of some of the Twin Cities’ brightest electronic acts in an all-ages local showcase. Military Special will headline the night, capping off a bill that also includes Unicorn Basement, Total Babe, and DiscoTech’s DJ Gigamesh. An unusual deviation from the oversaturated dance-punk scene that plagued the mid-2000s, Military Special straddles a unique line between choppy-rock and warped electronics. Expect the band to let loose with a number of tracks from their recently released self-titled debut EP, and if you like what you hear, check out Military Special as they welcome 2009 at the Nomad World Pub on New Year’s Eve. All ages.
[This critics’ pick was originally published by City Pages.]