Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Mates of State to play Weisman Art Museum, release digital EP

Published in City Pages, The Blog. Tags: .

Mates of State Band

News just came in that Mates of State would be performing at the inaugural installment of the WAMplified! at the Weisman Art Museum. WaMplified! is a late-night series that “presents a live performance by a band or musician with a thematic connection to the major exhibition in the galleries.”

Included in the $22 ticket price ($18 for students and Weisman members) will be food, drink, a video game lounge, and a midnight tour of the exhibition led by curator Diane Mullin and artist Lisa Bradley. Fun, right? The event will be held December 12 and tickets go on sale today at 10:00 A.M.

Additionally, the Kansas-based duo recently released a digital edition of their Re-Arranged: Remixes Volume 1 EP (which was limited to 1000 copies when it was originally released on 12″ vinyl). The EP can be purchased at the Barsuk store, but if you’d prefer to take a sample of the music first, here’s the Mae-Shi’s remix of “You Are Free.”

Mates of State “You Are Free (The Mae Shi remix)” (mp3)

[This post was originally published by City Pages.]