Japanese Motors “Brand New Everything”
Published in Blog, Culture Bully. Tags: Music.
You’re hearing it here first: a b-side from the latest self-titled release from Orange County’s Japanese Motors. “Brand New Everything (version 2)” is two minutes and 24 seconds of fury – the song rips into your soul, grabs a beer, and shotguns it before you can say “hey, don’t rip into my soul.” Check out some exclusive videos of singer Alex Knost recording the song after the jump.
Remember the absurdity of the David Lee Roth’s vocal track from “Runnin’ with the Devil”? No matter how much DLR’s jams rule within the context of the song, they’re a bit goofy standing alone on their own, right? It’s all in the context, baby… it’s all in the context.
[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]