Illuminoids Interview
Published in Blog, Mashuptown. Tags: Interviews, Mashups, Music.
When did you start making mashups?
Jells Mayhem: Back in 2006, after listening to some CDs that where floating around, and we would always listen to DJ Paul V.’s Mashup of the Day that used to air on Indie 103.1.
And we became so fascinated with the whole concept. And then seeing that there was this whole scene (GYBO, Bootie, Mashuptown, etc.). It was just like “Fuck, we got try this out.”
It’s funny because those CDs were treated like top secret government documents. People used to be real nervous about duplicating them, due to them being illegal. It was weird.
Was there any other mashup producer, or producers, that inspired you to get started?
Jells Mayhem: 2 Many DJ’s and Mark Vidler.
Have you had any legal threats or issues arise surrounding any of your bootlegs?
Jells Mayhem: Nope. We have actually had a lot of the bands really dig the bootlegs we have done, as well as the labels too, ironically.
What is the last mashup you listened to that wasn’t yours?
Jells Mayhem: DJ Faroff’s The B-52s vs. Lipps Inc., spun it at Bootie LA last Saturday.
Who are your favorite bastard-pop producers?
Jells Mayhem: Wow, tough question. I’d have to say A plus D, DJ Zebra, DJ Moule, DJ Schmolli, Divide & Kreate, Aggro1 and there are some more that I can’t really think of right now, but those are usually the ones that put out consistently good boots.
How many mashups do you think you’ve made in your life?
Jells Mayhem: 45-50 and about 5000 scrapped ones… haha.
What is your favorite mashup of all time?
Jells Mayhem: Salt N Pepa vs. The Stooges, that was the one that really got me hooked into the scene.
[This article was first published by Mashuptown.]