Bone, Teeth, Dirt: Flowers Forever
Published in Blog, Culture Bully. Tags: Music.
Out of a disastrous feeling described as either having seen god or having had a bad bout with mono came Flowers Forever. Awaking one morning on the verge of a nervous breakdown lead singer and guitarist Derek Pressnall came to earth shattering resolve that there was something he needed to inject into his life; as the song “Golden Shackles” repeats again and again, “change better come!” The Tilly and the Wall guitarist immediately turned to art and the exploration of creation, working towards whatever he could. The result was Flowers Forever, a band almost tragically based around a save-the-world type of positive self expressionism. That being said, standout “Black Rosary” commits a dark story of the future and what may be to come; once again, could result from a giant nervous breakdown, seeing god, or a bit of both.
[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]