Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Dead Prez vs. Bloc Party mashed by Yold

Published in Blog, Mashuptown. Tags: , .

The intensity of Dead Prez is rarely matched and I’d be out of line if I said that Bloc Party’s “The Prayer” came close to touching the classic beat from “Hip Hop.” I don’t think I’ve heard a bootleg pairing the vocal track from “Hip Hop” with an alternate back track, but considering the opposite appeal of “The Prayer,” “It’s Bigger Than A Prayer” doesn’t seem out of place at all… though, compared to the awful Loud Rocks collaboration between Dead Prez and Static-X, most everything sounds natural. In addition to the song Yold has gone the extra mile in creating vibrant cover art for each mashup, uniquely mirroring the featured artists. Though the Bloc Party/Dead Prez isn’t too spectacular, the Katy Perry/Marilyn Manson cover is startling.

[This post was first published by Mashuptown.]