Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Neoclassical Roots: Daniel Heffner

Published in Blog, Culture Bully. Tags: , .

Daniel Heffner is a unique musician whose style sounds something like a busker playing to an upwardly mobile house of philharmonic-going spectators is exactly that. Heffner, who built his craft from a young age, has in fact played as an opener for the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra; but don’t let that sway you, his roots are found far from any upscale performance theater. Rather he spent time through the years practicing on stage as well as in small, intimate (and generally unusual locals) locals such as local farmers markets and even the occasional science classroom before and after class. Playing for a variety of social causes in and around the city has proven beneficial for “Heff” as it not only expels any preexisting negative persona surrounding the traditional classical musician but brings warmth and character to the already overflowing spectacle that is his own work.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]