Carl DeLine

Ultimate Moments

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There are times when a “shear” moment softens our awareness. It brings us to a crescendo of emotions declaring something so great we are silenced. We know the only place to be is on our knees before God.

As one drives down the road viewing the sun rising and seeing the light glistening through the rising fog, the green of the grass, the brightness of freshly painted buildings sets the stage for the tear that comes to your eye. In this second you know something special because it touches your soul.

You walk to the ocean’s edge, you take one step into the water, suddenly you are overwhelmed by the vastness of what you have become a part of.

You sit on the edge of the cliff. As you scan the skyline you see the rings, the layers of earth that present you with so much history that your life suddenly understands perspective.

The scripture for today sets the stage to look beyond words to know God. As you read each text see God and who God is.

Acts 11:1-18 • Psalm 148 • Revelation 21:1-6 • John 13:31-35

Peter is all set to live a life of devotion and discipline. He clarifies what this religious “thing” is all about. In the midst of your personal struggle you ask yourself, what is this all about for you? Then the voice of God says, “Peter – knock it off! I just want you to love people.”

The Psalmist talks to us about God being God. Last week I had the privilege of being with friends in a house church setting. One man asked, “what is this all about?” As he was clarifying his question I sat in silence. His words kept building the question this Psalm answers. Our life is about discovering God and the awesome power found in the awareness of God. In those moments we are lifted beyond the mundane, beyond the limits of our own understandings to realize the awesome nature of God. God becomes transparent.

Many years ago, while sitting in my living room I was listening to the radio. This music came on. It filled the room with an aura of splendor.

Jerusalem, The Holy City

This piece of music touches on the writing of the Revelation. The Holy City is being revealed in words that help us understand. These words image a future. This is about the splendor of God. All to often we get caught in the words about the city. This goes beyond the city. It is about the splendor of God. We are to look beyond the words to the revelation of God. Who is God? what do we know about God? Look into your own life, into those quiet moments when you stand in awe. As you experience that touch, as you are overwhelmed by these moments life gives you, begin to lay them side by side. You will see God. God will draw you near.

Hear these words, feel the moment…

Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord

Prayer: Lord God, we live in a world of drifting thoughts and confusing allegiances. We would seek a perfect world, then condescend to what is comfortable. Reveal to us an understanding of yourself, give us a vision that causes us to be aware of what we sacrifice each time we turn from you toward our own understandings. As we pray that you would be glorified in us, enable us to be a part of the understanding that comes with that revelation. As we are humbled please be gentle with us that we may be gentle with others. May we know love as you have revealed it in the words and life of Jesus. Cause us to love others as you would want us to be loved. Amen.

God Be With You