Carl DeLine

The Voice, April 2011

Published in Blog Posts.

Pastor’s Chair

Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, blizzards, flooding, and windstorms all seem to be the order of the day. In the midst of this chaos, crisis confronts the global community. We are often caught in the middle of this wondering what our next step will be.

From a coaching perspective I encourage you to see things as if you were sitting in the highest tree branch you trust. Take time to look down, take time to look around, see what needs to be done. At the United Church of Mapleton we are stepping into our next task. We have been working with the boards to develop a communication process and a twelvemonth calendar.

You have heard Jack talk about taking pictures. Perhaps you have received a telephone call about getting your picture taken. This is all part of the next step. Not only will we create a directory, we will be telling a history. “Affirming the faith” will be the title of the new directory. It will contain the following items: pictures, history, copies of historical documents, information, and also a document that reiterates the faith and understanding of those who were the founders of this congregation. Their words will become the basis for a new document. This new document will be a statement of faith by you the present congregation. The United Church of Mapleton has a strong past. As this document is put together it will lay the groundwork for a strong future.

Please take time to go into your files and “dig up” as much as you can. We want your help tell the story of this congregation. The future will be ours to claim. Let us claim it together.

Rev. Carl DeLine

Originally published in The Voice of The United Church of Mapleton (April 2011). [full pdf]