Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Britney Spears “Womanizer” Video

Published in Blog, Prefix Magazine. Tags: .

Dawning a short black wig, leather pants, a chauffeur’s uniform and at times nothing at all, Britney Spears returns with a video for her new single “Womanizer.” As unnecessarily sexual as it is a display of feminine power, the video serves as a motion to reclaim the pop spotlight that was once hers. Since last we saw Ms. Spears she has continued her overwhelmingly public collapse, something she attempts to satirize in the song, “You say I’m crazy, I got your crazy.” Unfortunately for Britney however, at this point in time a photoshopped, glamorized portrayal of herself does little to make people forget of how truly crazy she is.

[This article was first published by Prefix Magazine.]