Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Liquid Flow & Subtle Beats: Big Cats!

Published in Culture Bully, The Blog. Tags: , .

Having recently produced the track “Black Out on White Night” for Sage Francis‘ heavily acclaimed new album Human The Death Dance, Minneapolis talent Big Cats! proves that you don’t need the fashionable nonsense in order to create some strict beats. That track in particular underscores Francis’ unique flow while singer Jolie Holland does her best Beth Gibbons; it is liquid and eerie yet it barely scratches the surface of the Big Cats! catalog.

His recently released eponymous solo disc lends itself to the challenging ear, diversifying with horn driven introspections, break beat teases and a sufficient supply of beats that force comparisons to the landmark Entroducing. How enjoyable a feat, creating music that reminisces to the beat of one of the greatest albums of the 1990s without stuttering or attempting to ever really sound as such. The talent and insight to create a beat is one thing, but the skill to create an environment in one’s mind is something all unto itself – and Big Cats! is such a talent.

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]