Mashups of the Week: Amanda Blank & the Beatles
Published in Blog, City Pages. Tags: Mashups, Music.
Received this directly from DJ Paul V late last week, but considering today’s Q&A with the rapper/singer and her show this evening at the Triple Rock with Matt and Kim, posting it seemed oh-so-timely. From Paul, “Pretty simple A + B vs. C – but hopefully making for some happy, sex-sweaty dancefloors! J’adore the new Amanda Blank CD, and forever dig the Deadmau5 track – so I simply wanted to give new life to each of ’em. I threw in the Bad Cabbage ‘cuz it just seemed ripe for resurrection.“
Amanda Blank – Might Like You Better (acapella)
Bad Cabbage – You’re Rude, Get F*cked (acapella)
Deadmau5 – Ghosts ‘N Stuff (music)
DJ Paul V “Might Like Ghosts Better” (mp3)
[Also, for those unfamiliar with DJ Paul V: until the station shut down earlier this year he worked at Indie 103.1 where he developed the “Mashup Of The Day” feature, which eventually became “The Smash Mix.” Additionally Paul continues to work with Popbytes where his “Mashup of the Week” feature has been running since early 2006.]
Last week, Gimme Noise posted some information on Max Tannone‘s new Beastie Boys-themed mashup album Double Check Your Head. The commentary in the post laid a bit of criticism of the genre however, noting “The heyday of the mashup peaked somewhere in the mid-2000s so loudly that even using the word to describe the consistency of a potato would cause some to cringe.” While I disagree, the thought eventually inspired me to revisit the first mashup producer who I still count as a “favorite” (who I subsequently first listened to in the mid-2000s), dj BC. Back when mashup were in their heyday dj BC was leading the pack of production-minded bootleggers, and his Beastie Boys-themed record quickly fell on some very kind ears. The Beastles, an album combining the Beatles and Beastie Boys, received global acclaim and was featured by a variety of mainstream outlets including Q Magazine, Rolling Stone and Newsweek. Considering that this week marked the re-release of much of the Beatles’ catalog (digitally remastered), there’s no better time to give dj BC’s classic another go (also, if you enjoy it, you may also enjoy the follow-up Let It Beast). Due to (eh hem) legal restrictions however, the albums cannot be found on dj BC’s site… but with a quick glance at the internet you might just find what you’re looking for.
dj BC presents The Beastles (zip)
dj BC presents Let It Beast (zip)
[Note: Heyday or not, my favorite mashups of all-time came with Danger Mouse’s The Grey Album, which was released in February of 2004.]
A continuation of The Grey Album theme is this mash, which also features “Dirt Off Your Shoulder” from Jay-Z’s The Black Album (the album used in combination with the Beatles’ White Album to create Danger Mouse’s classic). Even if you’re Jay-Z’d out after The Blueprint 3 hitting the internet this week (or just Jay-Z’d out just ’cause), this track lends a very unique sound to Jay’s (now) standard as it features Kitty, Daisy & Lewis who play a blend of “R&B, swing, jump blues, country and Western, blues, Hawaiian and rock ‘n’ roll.” This track doesn’t go as far as getting into all of those genres however, simply adding a bit of (surprisingly fitting) Hawaiian flavor:
G3RSt “Hawaii Off Your Shoulder” (mp3)
[This post was originally published by City Pages.]