Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

Beastie Boys & Battlestar Galactica “Sabotage” video mashup

Published in Blog, Culture Bully. Tags: , .

Released as a fan-vid just four days ago, “Galactica: Sabotage” is already approaching 165k views on YouTube alone. And with good reason as the shot-for-shot recreation of the Beastie Boys‘ classic “Sabotage” video is ripe with brilliantly contrasted shots taken from the least likeliest of places: Battlestar Galactica. The video itself is great, but when contrasting the two, side by side, it becomes even better. Watch out for the scenes introducing Sir Stewart Wallace, Cochese, Bobby “The Rookie,” “The Chief” & Bunny. I defy you not to laugh at the absurdity of it all. (It may take a second of tinkering to line up the audio on the two videos, but it’s well worth the time!)

[This post was first published by Culture Bully.]