Chris DeLine

Cedar Rapids, IA

999 Critics’ Pick

Published in Blog, City Pages. Tags: .

While there are many bands who helped shape the face of punk, many of them are rarely recognized for their work. Including bands such as Wire or Sham 69, the list of groups who helped steer the direction of the genre is a lengthy one. Another band of such caliber is 999–and unlike those previously mentioned, the opportunity to seem live still exists. Once given the stamp of approval by the legendary English DJ John Peel, 999 would see many ebbs and flows throughout their lengthy career, disbanding multiple times only to re-assemble shortly after the breakups. As their last studio album, Death in Soho, was released in 2007, 999 have had a lengthy career that places them alongside bands like the Dickies in terms of consistency throughout the years. And what’s even more impressive the size of their back catalog: Though they never received the same level of commercial success as their contemporaries, 999’s lengthy list of releases puts most bands to shame. With Duane Peters Gunfight, Everybody Out!, Stigma, and Jakked Rabbits.

[This critics’ pick was originally published by City Pages.]